The Moravian Church Year

The Moravian Church is a liturgical church, meaning we observe the festivals of the worldwide Christian Church with appropriate services, starting with the beginning of the church year, the first Sunday of Advent. In addition, we observe Memorial Days that are of special significance to the history and spiritual life of the Moravian Church, and until recently we typically observed the Covenant Days of the various Choirs. A typical year of observances would include:

Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
Jan. 6: Epiphany and missions festival
Feb. 2: Presentation of Christ in the Temple
* Ash Wednesday, beginning Lent
Mar. 1: Commemoration of the founding of the ancient Unitas Fratrum in 1457
Mar. 25: The Annunciation (“Lady Day”); also All Choirs Covenant Day
* Palm Sunday, beginning Passion Week or Holy Week
* Maundy Thursday
* Good Friday
* Great Sabbath
* Easter
* Easter Monday (vestry elections were held this day when Dobbs Parish existed)
Apr. 30: Widows Covenant Day
May 4: Single Sisters Covenant Day
May 12: Anniversary of the adoption of the Brotherly Agreement in Herrnhut in 1727
* Ascension Day
* Pentecost (Whitsunday)
* Trinity Sunday
June 4: Older Girls Covenant Day
June 17: Anniversary of the beginning of Herrnhut in 1722
June 24: Little Boys Covenant Day
July 2: The Visitation; also Pregnant Sisters Covenant Day
July 6: Commemorating the martyrdom of John Hus in 1415
July 9: Older Boys Covenant Day
Aug. 13: August 13th Festival
Aug. 17: Children’s Festival; also Little Girls Covenant Day
Aug. 29: Single Brothers Covenant Day
Aug. 31: Widowers Covenant Day
Sept. 7: Married Choir Covenant Day
Sept. 16: Recognition of Christ as Chief Elder of the Moravian Church; also Ministers Covenant Day
Sept. 29: Michaelmas and All Angels Day; also Covenant Day for those charged with the care and education of children
Oct. 31: Reformation Day
Nov. 1: All Saints Day
Nov. 13: November 13th Festival
* Advent
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
Dec. 25: Christmas Day
Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve

* movable festivals

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